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About Malcolm Baxter

Malcolm Baxter has spent his working life in Financial Services, mostly as a successful Financial Adviser in his own business. For fifty years, Malcolm has been an active Christian, with a teaching, mentoring and pastoral ministry and he assists in running Tring Workplace Church, England. Married to Margaret, they have four children and seven grandchildren.

Eight years ago, as a result of personal financial pressure, Malcolm was led to examine the whole question of Faith for Finances. His discovery was certainly life changing for him, as he began to put the spiritual laws of the universe to the test. He is constantly stunned to realise what he had been missing during the first 63 years of his life, and how that these principles, even though simple to understand, are never taught, either at school, in church or in society generally. Malcolm’s personal journey has transformed his finances, taken away the anxiety of not enough and shown him a way in which this can be made permanent.

Because of the radical nature of this discovery, Malcolm wrote a book, to explain the operation, and to help him develop the arguments. The book viewed the journey, through the eyes of the Bible Character, Simon Peter. It is titled, Simon Peter. The making of a man of Faith. Realising that this first book is a biblical exposition, Malcolm wrote a second book, Money. Don’t settle for less, as an expose of the universal truth of prosperity, only occasionally using the Bible as illustration of how the universe works. He realised that the laws of the universe have always been like this, and always will be. They are by no means religious or Christian, because all religions and all people need to respect the universal laws established long before religion existed.

Malcolm’s third book, Give us this day our daily bread. The prosperity teachings of Jesus Christ. reverts to the biblical emphasis which Jesus demonstrated and taught about prosperity and abundance – something which many have missed. Regardless of religious persuasion, prosperity is what you can claim as by right – and you should.

During 2015, Malcolm has applied himself to creating an internet marketing business, in order to reach more people with this powerful message of prosperity truth for everyone. His website, is where you now are. It explains that there are some simple steps which can be taken by everyone, to readjust the mental attitude, away for fear, lack, failure, ‘not enough’ and disappointment, into a positive alternative, reflecting growth, confidence, self expression, excellent relationships, and ever increasing resources – enough and plenty to spare.

Your next action should be to start the 12 week Wealth and Prosperity Plan. The purpose of this more intense commitment to self education is that you must act on the curiosity you now have, to gain understanding. Choose to act.

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it. Get out and get busy – Dale Carnegie

Today may be the day you decide to make a better tomorrow for yourself, than it is now. You can.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Step into the world of freedom, choice and control. It’s there for you.

© 2024 Malcolm Baxter. Mobile: 07774 889 421
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