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The Colt at the Crossroads

This book is a startling revelation. It will give you new understanding in a fascinating way to meet the opportunities, and the challenges, of your crossroad moments in life.

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Every day of your life you are making decisions. “Which is the way to go?” “How can I get from where I am to where I want to be?”

“Do I want to progress in life?” “Is there an ideal in my mind which is always in the future – and I never arrive?”

“How do I break free from what is holding me back?”

“Am I afraid about making wrong decisions, and I imagine the fearful consequences of doing so?”

This book is a startling revelation. It will give you new understanding in a fascinating way to meet the opportunities, and the challenges, of your crossroad moments in life.

We are always at the crossroads of life and face these decisions and questions, because they represent our thoughts about growth – the fundamental universal ‘pull’ of life itself.

The shocking truth is that the most popular book ever is full of the most up-to-date instruction, wisdom, encouragement, and examples but within it this truth totally hidden. Yes, we are referring to the Bible and we use the stories as a text book, because the writers were very aware of these influences, and hid the spiritual in the mythological and metaphorical. This has never been understood, but now we can find the wisdom never seen before. And we find that it is for you and me,now.

Each story has a different message to present and there is helpful guidance on the truths revealed. This is ‘wake-up’ relevant today for you, and the world in which we all live. It will surprise you that this has always been unknown, camouflaged by the sometimes mundane, bizarre, irrelevant and entertaining narrative which the writers have used to conceal the truths, but now the wisdom of the ages is revealed.

The Bible has been understood as an historical and biographical account to be taken literally and therefore with less and less relevance to your life today. But the true meanings which have been unrevealed for thousands of years will certainly change your life now.

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© 2025 Malcolm Baxter. [email protected]. Mobile: 07774 889 421
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