Who knows the answers to these questions;-
Why is a person short of money?
How can that be put right?
How can it be put right, permanently?
The strap line for my website, www.muchinmind.com is;-
“Embracing the Simple Steps to Prosperity.”
But you ask “If they were simple steps, wouldn’t you think none of us would be poor, nor even, inadequately resourced for maximum self expression?’
Well, the really hard thing is that you and I might not know the steps. It could be a matter of education rather than the steps themselves.
Most ‘Self Help’ propositions have little to say about the deeper, spiritual power required for success so that it’s lasting. The statement of Darren Hardy, Publisher of Success, January 2016, reveals what I mean. He writes,
“Becoming successful is easy: many people achieve success. It’s staying successful that’s hard.”
Actually, I’m not sure that becoming successful is easy; I think it’s hard. But I do agree that staying successful is very hard. And keeping your wealth is also very hard.
The steps are easy to apply, but if you don’t know them, how can you apply them?
So, firstly, for those who want prosperity, we must establish the steps to take.
Secondly, I have found that in order to make prosperity permanent, we must establish the spiritual significance of Prosperity Truth in Bible teaching and understanding.
Having read very many philosophical works on success and wealth creation, those which deal with the issues in terms of personal practical development through the process of changing attitudes, habits and desires, also suggest that when there is no longer a need for success, the individual slips back to old ways, and prosperity is lost. This is Darren Hardy’s proposition.
Clearly, the problem is that there’s huge effort in the achievement, which often can’t be maintained. One might summarise that working harder, or even smarter, is still an unspiritual process, even if the spiritual laws of the universe are being used.
However, what happens when the spirit in a person understands those spiritual laws and practices them, there is within a dimension of response which is beyond the rational. We could call that response ‘inspiration’ and which therefore continues both in its effect at the time, and also in the ongoing demands the individual places upon it in the future.
Inspiration comes from God, and helpfully, is written as promises in the Bible. The person who believes those promises on a personal basis, has the anchor to the process of wealth creation which endures through all difficulties, set-backs and doubts.
Without that spirituality, an individual’s prosperity is only as good as the last performance which had a good result. But with that spirituality, there comes an understanding of the Divine plan for our lives, which is always for our maximum good, permanently.
The natural attitude of many is to consider that the successful people are merely ‘lucky’ and those who are unsuccessful, are unlucky. A person could read the success story of anyone, and be looking for the lucky break, or the helping hand available in the successful persons life. When that is not apparent, because the successful person, perhaps, does not want to credit anyone else with their success, the matter is left as a mystery, but instinctively assumed to exist.
‘Much in Mind’, however, believes in the immutability and consistency of the laws of the universe, in which there is no luck at all, and that all success is given to us by the universe (or God) in response to faith in him and in those laws, and will be permanentlymaintained in the same way.
“God is not mocked. Whatever a person sows, that shall he also reap.”
The philosophers will frequently tell us that there is always a cause for every situation, good and bad, and it is the cause we should treat and not the condition. There is no luck in the laws of the universe. Like all other laws, they act all the time with total consistency and predictability and cannot be bent to suit anyone, either as a miracle or a stroke of luck.
Throughout the 10 years I have been exploring prosperity, I have been amazed at how many people have used the laws of the universe to bring them success, in a predictable way, and yet they have not understood exactly why. They consider themselves to have been lucky. And yet, by contrast, I have been amazed at those who have not naturally been successful types of people, but, because of their faith in God’s supply for their needs and wants, they also have enjoyed abundance.
My purpose for you is to bring these two aspects of prosperity truth together, in order to educate you into prosperity mindfulness, and also to equip you to believe the promises which we find in the Bible. It will help to make your prosperity for the greater good of all, and to make it permanent.
I spent all my career in finance, and it wasn’t until I was 63 that this penny dropped. Even though I am, and always have been a Bible believer, I only then realised what I had been missing. I had been successful, to a degree, but in the last 8 years my finances have been transformed, by applying what the Bible teaches, to the laws of the universe, for my enormous financial benefit.
I have three books published on the subject, mostly showing how the Bible shows that it is the desire of God (or universe) that every one of us should be prosperous. It is us that doesn’t allow it to happen. We stand in the way of what is ours by right. It is a question of how to stand aside and let prosperity happen.
Some fairly simple and easy to use ideas will quite suddenly transform your life if you really want permanent success.
For details of the 12 episode series The Wealth and Prosperity Program as a DVD/CD/Text product, please go to www.muchinmind.com/wealth-and-prosperity-program
Malcolm Baxter
Much in Mind